About the National Show Horse
National Show Horse Promo Video
Breed Standard
The National Show Horse shall strive to produce an athletic horse which retains size, beauty and refinement. Specifically, the following traits are desirable:
A. Motion. Balanced and obvious power from the hindquarters flowing into an elevated front end, the front legs showing both flexion and extension;
B. Neck. Very long, set high on the shoulder and relatively upright with fine throatlatch. The neck should be shapely but without a pronounced crest;
C. Head. Relatively small, short and refined with large eyes and small, well placed ears and a straight or slightly concave profile (a "Roman nosed" or convex profile is not desirable);
D. Pronounced withers and a very deep and well laid back shoulder;
E. Proportionately short back closely coupled with a long hip and relatively level top line (moderately sloping croup not to be penalized);
F. Legs. Correct from all angles with long forearms and short cannon bones in front and long, well angled pasterns front and rear;
G. Refinement of bone but not lacking in substance, especially in the chest, girth, shoulder and hip;
H. A relatively high set tail, natural and flowing;
I. When observed at rest or in motion, the horse must exhibit a natural presence and, when animated, extreme brilliance. The horse must exhibit high carriage when showing or relaxed.
Mission Statement
The purpose of the National Show Horse Registry is to maintain a fiscally sound organization to promote the breeding and showing of the National Show Horse; to increase popularity and participation within the general public through innovative programs. The Board of Directors of the NSHR is charged with the fiduciary responsibility of the Corporation, including prudent asset management and increasing the fund balance.
The Board is also responsible for developing and overseeing all programs of the NSHR.These programs shall include promoting and assisting sanctioned horse shows that provide local and District NSHR classes, including the distribution of prize monies and promotional material to these shows.
The NSHR shall be responsible for the promotion and management of a yearly National Finals competition.The NSHR shall continue to develop services to the general membership; to encourage and promote youth and amateur programs; to provide incentives for increased participation in the NSHR, and to be an effective liaison with local clubs, both for communication with the national registry, and with other clubs.
To maintain the highest level of expertise and integrity in horse show judging, the NSHR shall provide the means of accreditation, education and review for NSHR judges and potential judges.
The NSHR and its Board of Directors shall work with affiliated groups and associations within the horse industry to increase understanding and awareness of the National Show Horse, and to participate in programs that will benefit the horse industry at large. It is the mandate of each Director to serve in the best interest of the breed and the Registry as a whole, and to maintain the highest standards of ethics and commitment.